People are kind of talking about me

Photo: courtesy of HBO

Photo: courtesy of HBO

TVLINE "Girls EP on Finale Scene That Landed on the Cutting Room Floor: 'It Was Heartbreaking to Let It Go"

“We were really happy to put Cara and Lytle in the show and it was heartbreaking to let go of that scene for that reason,” laments the auteur, adding, “We love them. They were the greatest.”

You were amazing in it- so natural and funny
— Lena Dunham

HelloGiggles "The "Girls" stars posing with their stand-ins is making us do a double take"

“Our faithful, loyal and lovely stand-ins for all of these years. Today they had their first speaking parts on Girls and many tears were shed. #endofgirls,” 

Photo Credit: Jenni Konner

Photo Credit: Jenni Konner

Cara’s unique gifts include an ability to demonstrate vulnerability combined with pragmatism, passion combined with a strong work ethic, and a unique personality..
— Eric Michael Gillett